Let’s Work Together to Elevate Impact, Foster Health, and Drive Change.

How We Can Work Together

01 — Leadership Coaching

Elevate your leadership skills, unlock your full potential, and inspire others.

Personalized and professional development to enhance skills and effectiveness as a leader: through my one on one leadership coaching will provide: Guidance, feedback, and support to help leaders identify their strengths and weaknesses, set goals, build support for leaders to improve their leadership abilities.

Leadership Areas I Cover":

  • Communication

  • Decision- Making

  • Team Building

  • Emotional Intelligence

02 — Program Development

Empower communities to thrive and flourish.

Explore how we're reshaping the future through innovative solutions tailored to your organization or business's unique needs.

03 — Native Maternal Health

I provide midwifery care in rural communities, review resources materials, papers, research, working with Native American tribes and global indigenous communities to improve maternal health, and increase access to reproductive health care.

  • Indigenous Midwifery

  • Native American Maternal Health 

  • Reproductive Justice 

  • Health Policy

04 — Speaking

Speaking on Native American Maternal Health issues, Indigenous midwifery, maternity care deserts, innovation in maternal health, starting a Native American maternal and reproductive health clinic and home birth practices.

05 — Policy Reform

Let’s work to pave the way for a more equitable and inclusive world.

Book a Consultation

Book a free 30-minute session with me to find out how we can work together.